Katrina...A little off topic, but...

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Profile Saenger
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Message 163111 - Posted: 4 Sep 2005, 18:16:07 UTC - in response to Message 163109.  
Last modified: 4 Sep 2005, 18:17:13 UTC

Dear Mister Ribbeck (nice German name, my heraldic database shows its origins round Hamburg, Lübeck...)

I would have placed him to the small village Ribbeck in Brandenburg/Havelland, you probably know the poem by Theodor Fontane:
Herr von Ribbeck auf Ribbeck im Havelland, in seinem Garten ein Birnbaum stand..
(lame translation: Sir Ribbeck of Ribbeck in Havelland, a pear tree stood in his garden...)

This Ribbeck was a friendly person, who gave away his pears to all the neighboring kids. His son was a bad and greedy guy, who put a fence around the tree, but the father outsmarted the son by requesting a pear in his grave, and so a new pear tree grew, to give away freely to the kids.

I suppose, in every country of our Union there are gathering a lot of people to provide some help for Katrina's victims.

Therefore, please shut up and read my signature. Since now it's valid also for YOU...

First german airplanes arrived this morning, others are on their way. But I think it's hard for a "superpower" to accept help from "lesser nations", as you have seen with the Kursk desaster.

Gruesse vom Saenger

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Message 163115 - Posted: 4 Sep 2005, 18:26:27 UTC - in response to Message 163111.  
Last modified: 4 Sep 2005, 18:29:38 UTC

But I think it's hard for a "superpower" to accept help from "lesser nations", as you have seen with the Kursk desaster.

Not fore the common american, just for a few fanatic fundamentalists
whose primary augmentation technique is SCREAMING! :)
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[boinc.at] jbs

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Message 163116 - Posted: 4 Sep 2005, 18:26:34 UTC - in response to Message 163111.  
Last modified: 4 Sep 2005, 18:26:52 UTC

I would have placed him to the small village Ribbeck in Brandenburg/Havelland, you probably know the poem by Theodor Fontane:
Herr von Ribbeck auf Ribbeck im Havelland, in seinem Garten ein Birnbaum stand..

That may be correct, but think of mobility of Europe's people. Ok, I didn't graduate in German, my targets were chemistry, mathematics and (oops) ancient arts.

BTW, do you think that R.B. knows Fontane?


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Profile Saenger
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Message 163120 - Posted: 4 Sep 2005, 18:33:59 UTC - in response to Message 163115.  

Not fore the common american, just for a few fanatic fundamentalists
whose primary augmentation technique is SCREAMING! :)

Or for politicians, who want to look tough, in charge, everything under control.
I don't think anyone in New Orleans, Biloxi, Gulfport, Houston or whereever would give a *** about the whereabouts of help.
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Message 163121 - Posted: 4 Sep 2005, 18:39:52 UTC - in response to Message 163116.  
Last modified: 4 Sep 2005, 18:44:36 UTC

I would have placed him to the small village Ribbeck in Brandenburg/Havelland, you probably know the poem by Theodor Fontane:
Herr von Ribbeck auf Ribbeck im Havelland, in seinem Garten ein Birnbaum stand..

That may be correct, but think of mobility of Europe's people. Ok, I didn't graduate in German, my targets were chemistry, mathematics and (oops) ancient arts.

BTW, do you think that R.B. knows Fontane?

The diversity of languages within the border of Europe makes it perhaps more easy to understand one another. Everytime I went mountain climbing in Austria, Switzerland, Germany or France I've met intresting broadminded people...

Help should be as universal as possible to the ones in need.
Belgium will be sending airplane with waterpurification for 20000 people plus medical help if they are admitted...

PS. I like Fontane a lot, although being oriented towards physics and chemistry.

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[boinc.at] jbs

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Message 163132 - Posted: 4 Sep 2005, 19:11:39 UTC
Last modified: 4 Sep 2005, 20:04:12 UTC

...easy to understand one another.

And that's what it is: Trying to understand another brings a smile to your face. And I don't think you call someone an a$$@ whom you smiled to. IN EUROPE.

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Message 163135 - Posted: 4 Sep 2005, 19:25:18 UTC - in response to Message 163116.  

BTW, do you think that R.B. knows Fontane?

Here's a link to the Ribbeck Homepage. The Ribbecks in general know...
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[boinc.at] jbs

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Message 163142 - Posted: 4 Sep 2005, 19:48:40 UTC - in response to Message 163135.  
Last modified: 4 Sep 2005, 19:55:20 UTC

BTW, do you think that R.B. knows Fontane?

Here's a link to the Ribbeck Homepage. The Ribbecks in general know...

Ah, this is very interesting if this site relates with R.B. If it is so, IMHO this is very subjective. If all the statements on this site are true, pitty to the family.

But it does NOT give R.B. any right to act the way he does (anyhow,I did not find his name in the family trees).


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Message 163144 - Posted: 4 Sep 2005, 19:53:47 UTC - in response to Message 163142.  
Last modified: 4 Sep 2005, 19:57:03 UTC

BTW, do you think that R.B. knows Fontane?

Here's a link to the Ribbeck Homepage. The Ribbecks in general know...

Ah, this is very interesting. But IMHO this is very subjective. If all the statements on this site are true, pitty to the family.

But it does NOT give R.B. any right to act the way he does.

Vielleicht sollte er eine ganze Flasche Vonribbeck Birrnenlikör trinken. Am gunstigsten fall wirkt das heilsam und wird die Zunge minder scharf ??...

By the way... Scheduler is off again...
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[boinc.at] jbs

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Message 163150 - Posted: 4 Sep 2005, 19:57:38 UTC - in response to Message 163144.  
Last modified: 4 Sep 2005, 19:58:32 UTC

BTW, do you think that R.B. knows Fontane?

Here's a link to the Ribbeck Homepage. The Ribbecks in general know...

Ah, this is very interesting. But IMHO this is very subjective. If all the statements on this site are true, pitty to the family.

But it does NOT give R.B. any right to act the way he does.

Vielleicht sollte er eine ganze Flasche Vonribbeck Birrnenlikör trinken. Am gunstigsten fall wirkt das heilsam und wird die Zunge minder scharf ??...

Du weißt doch, die RADIKALEN hatten nie eigenes Geld und für 0,2cl (_ein_ kleiner Schnaps) sind ja €11 doch etwas happig

...and for all those secret listeners Mozart wrote his Canons KV 231 and KV 233
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Profile Saenger
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Message 163152 - Posted: 4 Sep 2005, 20:04:44 UTC - in response to Message 163150.  

Du weißt doch, die RADIKALEN hatten nie eigenes Geld und für 0,2cl (_ein_ kleiner Schnaps) sind ja €11 doch etwas happig

It's 0.2liter, not centiliter, that's 55 per liter, and that's not so much for a real good Edelbrand in a small package, but no walmart stuff ;)
Gruesse vom Saenger

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[boinc.at] jbs

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Message 163156 - Posted: 4 Sep 2005, 20:08:22 UTC - in response to Message 163152.  
Last modified: 4 Sep 2005, 20:16:48 UTC

Du weißt doch, die RADIKALEN hatten nie eigenes Geld und für 0,2cl (_ein_ kleiner Schnaps) sind ja €11 doch etwas happig

It's 0.2liter, not centiliter, that's 55 per liter, and that's not so much for a real good Edelbrand in a small package, but no walmart stuff ;)

Right, excuse me please. You know the Price for 1 Liter "Vogelbeer"? In Auseer-Land (Upper-Austria/Styria) they take € 150 and more! Na dann Prost!

But this all is very very off topic. I think this thread should be closed.

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Robert Ribbeck

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Message 163167 - Posted: 4 Sep 2005, 20:55:55 UTC

Like I said

Foreigners abusing this thread, Bashing the US, Resorting to name calling
like children. Not even enough manners not to post in foreign language (or the guts) to post in english.

Just proves Why I have my opinion's of foreigners.

Can't even get my initials right.

You three are too pathetic to even be a joke.
ID: 163167 · Report as offensive
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Message 163174 - Posted: 4 Sep 2005, 21:17:37 UTC - in response to Message 163081.  

Prior to the storm a mandatory evacuation was ordered for New Orleans. Those that chose to leave are alive and well with maybe some property damage. Those that chose to stay, for whatever reason, we know what happened to them. In the final examination the answer is apparent. In an evergency situation you have to take care of yourself, you cannot depend on the government to take care of you!

That takes the ability to evacuate for granted. This assumption is obviously nonsense, as the poor and the invalid don't have the ability to do so, and imho it's the very duty of the government to protect the weak, that's where I pay my taxes for.

Most of those who stayed didn't chose to do so, but had no choice because of lack of transportation, lack of places to go to, lack of money to pay for any service.

If you order a mandatory evacuation, with the knowledge that's impossible without help, and don't help, you are either dumb or reckless or both.

My initial response to "people who didn't leave NOLA are in trouble" was "So?". Those who CHOSE to stay made their decision, and are responsible now for their own safety. If they run out of food or water, or their house is flooded out, or they are unarmed and defenseless against looters... it's their problem. I would have voted strongly to apply all rescue efforts to those in Mississippi and the parts of LA that were NOT evacuated, but were "hit" when the hurricane veered east at the last minute. Then I learned that in this so-called "mandatory" evacuation, the city and state governments did not provide transportation for hospital patients and staff; did not stop the bus lines from cutting off service out of the city the day before the storm hit; did not provide a destination for those with nowhere else to go (such as the Astrodome in Houston being used now); did not provide a phone number to call, or transportation for, those who were home-bound due to illness; did not provide buses for those living in the housing projects who could be expected to not have cars, and not have the money to get out, much less afford a place to stay (there are ranks of school buses sitting in NOLA right now, unusable because they are under water...); did not even shut down and evacuate the schools (colleges and universities with students living on campus). Had they DONE these things, then I would have no sympathy for anyone who stayed.

Someone brought up children - any parent who didn't send their children out, or make every attempt to do so, regardless of the availability of government assistance, is guilty of child endangerment, and should be arrested, charged, and tried for same. Period.

"Interdictor", the guy running the DirectNic site that is providing almost our only source of information from within NOLA, did it "right". He stayed, because it was his job; he had a plan; he is in an elevated position; he has communication gear; he stockpiled food and water and guns and ammunition; he had generators and fuel in place for an extended stay, although not one lasting as long as this has lasted. Those living below sea level, who had one gallon jug of water and a box of crackers, and not even a cel phone, and now are begging someone to come get them off their roof... too bad. IF the city had truly called for, and properly executed, a "mandatory evacuation", then we would not be looking at a disaster of this magnitude. This comes back on the same mayor who is now screaming at the President for "not moving fast enough" (which is also true, but he has no right now to be the one screaming).

Something many do not realize is that even had the evacuation been done correctly, we would not have this great a loss of life, but we would STILL be looking at a half-million refugees. Those who left, perhaps to stay with relatives for a few days, or in a hotel somewhere, until the storm passed, now have no home to return to. They won't even be allowed back in the area for at least several weeks, maybe months, even if their house is still standing and undamaged.

I consider very few people, other than certain religious extremists, to be "anti-American" - although there are many that are "anti-American Government policies", which is a different thing, one shared by many Americans, which ones alternating with which political party is in power. To truly be "anti-American", you have to be against our very foundations; the Constitution, our system of government. Some are; but very few. Still, if you want to bash "ugly Americans", there are better times to do so than now. If you think our anger at the French was funny a couple of years ago, it wouldn't take very much for you to cause a backlash against YOUR countries now, if you are seen as gloating over our present misfortune. If you want to have any influence in our government's actions (such as signing some treaty, or open trade with your country, or whatever) this is not the way to do it.

To all those whose countries are offering help, whether we are organized enough to accept it or not, _this_ "ugly American" says thank you. Please don't be offended if we don't accept your help - Virginia tried to send a medical support unit (in response to a request from a LA sheriff's office) and it was turned back at the LA border; nothing to do with our federal government, or LA not "liking" VA, just the incompetence of the LA state government. As of last night, the sheriff's office and the governor's office were about to come to blows. Again - at this point "nobody is in charge"; or nobody knows WHO is in charge, which accomplishes the same thing. If you are so inclined as to laugh at this rather than cringing in understanding and sympathy... then you have my pity.
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Message 163175 - Posted: 4 Sep 2005, 21:19:03 UTC - in response to Message 163167.  

Like I said

Foreigners abusing this thread, Bashing the US, Resorting to name calling
like children. Not even enough manners not to post in foreign language (or the guts) to post in english.

Just proves Why I have my opinion's of foreigners.

Can't even get my initials right.

You three are too pathetic to even be a joke.

When it comes to unbalanced reactions, bad language and lack of logical argumentation you take the price Robert.
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[boinc.at] jbs

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Message 163179 - Posted: 4 Sep 2005, 21:29:20 UTC - in response to Message 163167.  
Last modified: 4 Sep 2005, 21:33:11 UTC

Like I said

Foreigners abusing this thread, Bashing the US, Resorting to name calling
like children. Not even enough manners not to post in foreign language (or the guts) to post in english.

Just proves Why I have my opinion's of foreigners.

Can't even get my initials right.

You three are too pathetic to even be a joke.

ha ha, your opinions of foreigners? Searching for sETI? You are so ...
It's the same as of old nazi asses: shouting out loud but not able to spell their own language correct.
As I said, shut up and go to Iraqu, let humans do their job...
And your Initials? Ok, R.B. stands for ROBERT BORING

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Profile Saenger
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Message 163184 - Posted: 4 Sep 2005, 21:38:36 UTC - in response to Message 163174.  

I consider very few people, other than certain religious extremists, to be "anti-American" - although there are many that are "anti-American Government policies", which is a different thing, one shared by many Americans, which ones alternating with which political party is in power. To truly be "anti-American", you have to be against our very foundations; the Constitution, our system of government. Some are; but very few.


To all those whose countries are offering help, whether we are organized enough to accept it or not, _this_ "ugly American" says thank you.

I subscribe, and i'm personally among those definitely "anti-American Government policies". There are some other things I find questionable, like the christian Taliban over there, but as long as Robertsons terror threads generate an uproar, it's fine.

I put the "ugly American" in quotation marks, to make it clear, that this is just a generalized prejudice. No way I would subscribe that every American, or even a mayority, fits this picture, but it's there nevertheless, especially now again after Gitmo and Abu-Ghraib.

And such xenophobic utterances of the Ribbeck-troll will be generalized by some as "typical american" as well, an I sincerely hope, he's not.

Gruesse vom Saenger

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Robert Ribbeck

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Message 163193 - Posted: 4 Sep 2005, 21:47:51 UTC - in response to Message 163175.  
Last modified: 4 Sep 2005, 21:48:57 UTC

Like I said

Foreigners abusing this thread, Bashing the US, Resorting to name calling
like children. Not even enough manners not to post in foreign language (or the guts) to post in english.

Just proves Why I have my opinion's of foreigners.

Can't even get my initials right.

You three are too pathetic to even be a joke.

When it comes to unbalanced reactions, bad language and lack of logical argumentation you take the price Robert.

As Usual Thomas Your comments have nothing to do with Katrina.

My reactions have been consistant I DISLIKE foreigners bashing and name
calling at the expense of this disaster. Any one stooping that low deserves
no respect at all. I'm sorry You don't like MY CHOICE of language ... live with it.

I tried to make light of your snide remarks which have nothing to do with disaster, but you remain clueless and continue flaming.

I'm too tired to fight with the idiots posting here tonight. I've been collecting for the diaster victims all day... Cash, food, clothing and boxing it all to be sent out.

Too bad the bashers with all that energy weren't here to help.
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[boinc.at] jbs

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Message 163194 - Posted: 4 Sep 2005, 21:48:30 UTC - in response to Message 163174.  

ok, you're right. No one sees an "ugly American". But there are a few like R.B. and from my job I have the experience that one single subject that does not right (what ever this means) throws down the social level of the whole group.

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Message 163205 - Posted: 4 Sep 2005, 22:05:06 UTC - in response to Message 163193.  

As Usual Thomas Your comments have nothing to do with Katrina.

The weather situation changing around the globe are most certainly related to the air pollution where the Kyoto Protocol comes in so it is clearly related to this disaster, at least for the majority of the scientific world but clarly not for you but that is your problem.

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