average credit

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Profile Illidan Flameseeker
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Message 9423 - Posted: 18 Jul 2004, 18:53:48 UTC

What is average credit?

It is a kind of credit/day of the user?
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Message 9436 - Posted: 18 Jul 2004, 19:34:48 UTC
Last modified: 18 Jul 2004, 19:35:13 UTC

I believe that credit for WU's returned is added to both average and total credit but then the average credit number is divided by 2 on a weekly basis (or something like that).
ID: 9436 · Report as offensive
Profile Christopher Hauber

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Message 9449 - Posted: 18 Jul 2004, 20:04:26 UTC - in response to Message 9436.  

Close. Read this thread. It talks about the same thing and there is a link explaining how recent average credit is calculated. The only reason you would need to be able to read C++ is to understand the exact algarithm used in the calculation because there is a plain english explanation above the code.


> Hi,
> I believe that credit for WU's returned is added to both average and total
> credit but then the average credit number is divided by 2 on a weekly basis
> (or something like that).

ID: 9449 · Report as offensive
Patrick J Farabaugh, Sr
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Message 9455 - Posted: 18 Jul 2004, 20:08:34 UTC

I have noticed a steady decline in my Average credit while my total keeps going up. What in the heck is going on?
ID: 9455 · Report as offensive
Profile Christopher Hauber

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Message 9461 - Posted: 18 Jul 2004, 20:18:49 UTC - in response to Message 9455.  

Shortly after BOINC went public, they had some problems with the verification servers among other things and for a time were unable to verify/grant credits. So processed workunits sat on their servers and continued to build up. You probabably had some work built up and then it got credited to you fairly quickly. The machines are able to keep up now, so work is verified on a more consistant basis causing your total credit to continue going up. Plus when workunits you've processed have to be resent, it takes longer to be credited as well so credit will continue to come from that source as well. But with a quick burst of granted credit, a recent average daily credit will start out initially quite a bit higher than you will be able to maintain. So after two weeks when credit begins to no longer be considered "recent," your average recent credit begins to decline.

To read how average daily credit works, read this thread and follow the link on it (you don't have to be able to read C++).

> I have noticed a steady decline in my Average credit while my total keeps
> going up. What in the heck is going on?
ID: 9461 · Report as offensive

Message boards : Number crunching : average credit

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