BOINC disconnects my wireless network

Questions and Answers : Windows : BOINC disconnects my wireless network
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Message 136726 - Posted: 15 Jul 2005, 12:34:33 UTC

I have to agree with those who do not like BOINC. I cannot run it on one of my machines, because it disconnects my wireless connection, and the only way to reestablish the connection is to reboot! No thank you. I am running BOINC on my hardwired machine, but I had to uninstall it to keep the other machine connected. If the classic version goes away completely, my helpfulness will be makedly reduced...
ID: 136726 · Report as offensive
Profile Terry Ritchie

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Message 136917 - Posted: 15 Jul 2005, 21:11:19 UTC

Do you also have a network card installed in your computer? Under network neighborhood (or my network places) (right click - properties) you'll see your wireless connection and if you have a network card you'll see another connection there too. Try right clicking on that other connection (or connections if more than one, "local area connection" or "local area connection #2" etc..) and select disable. This will force BOINC to use your wireless connection.

Just a thought to perhaps try.


You can always re-enable the connections by right clicking on them again and selecting enable.
<img src=";prj=1&amp;trans=off"><img src=";trans=off">
ID: 136917 · Report as offensive
Profile Bunky42

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Message 171036 - Posted: 23 Sep 2005, 17:49:47 UTC
Last modified: 23 Sep 2005, 17:52:08 UTC

My problem is Boinc doesn't send completed WU's unless I "Update project". Boinc will upload new WU's to process, so I know my connection works. I do notice a terrible decrease in proformance of my wireless when Boinc is running.(Ex. slow internet, slow loading of pages & page not found stuff). When I increased my wireless security from 128bit WEP to WPA-PSK/AES is when things started on Boinc. Why would encryption of my wireless mess things up?

My Pref.
-Do work only between the hours of (no restriction)
-Use no more than 10 GB disk space
-Leave at least 0.1 GB disk space free
-Use no more than 50% of total disk space
-Write to disk at most every 60 seconds
-Use no more than 75% of total virtual memory
Network usage
-Connect to network about every
(determines size of work cache; maximum 10 days) .1 days
-Confirm before connecting to Internet?
(matters only if you use a modem) no
-Disconnect when done?
(matters only if you use a modem) no
-Maximum download rate: 1500 KB/s
-Maximum upload rate: 128 KB/s
-Use network only between the hours of
Enforced by versions 4.46 and greater (no restriction)
- Skip image file verification?
Check this ONLY if your Internet provider modifies image files(UMTS does this, for example).
-Skipping verification reduces the security of BOINC. no

ID: 171036 · Report as offensive
Profile MJKelleher
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Message 171101 - Posted: 23 Sep 2005, 22:30:11 UTC - in response to Message 171036.  

My problem is Boinc doesn't send completed WU's unless I "Update project". Boinc will upload new WU's to process, so I know my connection works. I do notice a terrible decrease in proformance of my wireless when Boinc is running.(Ex. slow internet, slow loading of pages & page not found stuff). When I increased my wireless security from 128bit WEP to WPA-PSK/AES is when things started on Boinc. Why would encryption of my wireless mess things up?

I'm not a network guru, hopefully one will be along to see this. But I did notice that you're using BOINC core client v. 4.25. As I recall there were some issues that have been fixed in the current recommended version, 4.45. You can get the newer verion here, it may help. Helpful instructions on upgrading are in the Wiki.


ID: 171101 · Report as offensive
Profile Bunky42

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Message 171239 - Posted: 24 Sep 2005, 6:38:30 UTC - in response to Message 171101.  

My problem is Boinc doesn't send completed WU's unless I "Update project". Boinc will upload new WU's to process, so I know my connection works. I do notice a terrible decrease in proformance of my wireless when Boinc is running.(Ex. slow internet, slow loading of pages & page not found stuff). When I increased my wireless security from 128bit WEP to WPA-PSK/AES is when things started on Boinc. Why would encryption of my wireless mess things up?

I'm not a network guru, hopefully one will be along to see this. But I did notice that you're using BOINC core client v. 4.25. As I recall there were some issues that have been fixed in the current recommended version, 4.45. You can get the newer verion here, it may help. Helpful instructions on upgrading are in the Wiki.


Duh!!! Thanks
That should have been my first thought, Guess I need a vacation after moving from Las Vegas to Southern Arizona. Usually an update will fix your problems.

Thx again

ID: 171239 · Report as offensive
Grant (SSSF)
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Message 171247 - Posted: 24 Sep 2005, 8:18:03 UTC - in response to Message 171036.  

My problem is Boinc doesn't send completed WU's unless I "Update project".

You sure about that?
BOINC returns the result as soon as it's completed. It will remain in the work tab & it's status changes from Uploading to Ready to Report.
It will be removed from the work tab once it has been reported; that will happen the next time the client contacts the Scheduler- when a deadline is close, when you need mroe work, or when you manually Update.
Darwin NT
ID: 171247 · Report as offensive
Profile MJKelleher
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Message 171324 - Posted: 24 Sep 2005, 15:02:08 UTC - in response to Message 171239.  

Duh!!! Thanks
That should have been my first thought, Guess I need a vacation after moving from Las Vegas to Southern Arizona. Usually an update will fix your problems.

Thx again

The heat can do that to you. ;-)

No guarantees about the fix, but it's a good place to start, let us know if you continue to have problems!

MJ (in upstate NY USA, 50F at 11:00 am)

ID: 171324 · Report as offensive

Questions and Answers : Windows : BOINC disconnects my wireless network

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