Problem with Hotfix KB890046

Questions and Answers : Windows : Problem with Hotfix KB890046
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Profile Sam I. Am

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Message 128367 - Posted: 26 Jun 2005, 19:17:13 UTC

Has anyone had a problem with BOINC on Windows 2000 Server after installing Hotfix KB890046?

After I updated my system with several patches the other day, BOINC stopped responding. It would attempt to start, hang, and display "Connecting to localhost" in the lower right. After some trial and error, I uninstalled this particular patch and all is working now. Even though it's for a relatively obscure spoofing vulnerability, I'd still like to install it again. Any suggestions?


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Profile John Snow

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Message 128512 - Posted: 26 Jun 2005, 22:00:09 UTC

Do you use a router? There were loads of problems with people who FTP and use a router with a recent hotfix (can't recall if it was this one).

My router (netgear) issued new firmware which solved this problem and I am now FTPing again.

I have no idea if this would affect BOINC but it's just a thought. Sorry if this is barking up the completely wrong tree.
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Profile Sam I. Am

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Message 142832 - Posted: 26 Jul 2005, 0:44:03 UTC - in response to Message 128512.  

Do you use a router? There were loads of problems with people who FTP and use a router with a recent hotfix (can't recall if it was this one).

My router (netgear) issued new firmware which solved this problem and I am now FTPing again.

I have no idea if this would affect BOINC but it's just a thought. Sorry if this is barking up the completely wrong tree.

Well, there WAS a firmware update for my LinkSys router, which I found and applied shortly after reading your response. But I was leery of installing the hotfix again, so I kept ignoring the reminder. Finally, after it kept showing up OVER AND OVER along with all the newer ones, I installed all the fixes EXCEPT that one. I was thinking if one of the newer ones broke BOINC again, it would be relatively easy to troubleshoot, assuming 890046 would break it anyway. Well, none of the new ones broke it. So I then installed 890046. Lo and behold, BOINC continued to function! So I don't know if it was a one time glitch, the firmware problem, or if one of the newer fixes fixed the original fix. Whatever the case, I'm happily BOINCing again. Thanks for your input!

ID: 142832 · Report as offensive

Questions and Answers : Windows : Problem with Hotfix KB890046

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