Sad experience with classic account

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Profile humeyer

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Message 6930 - Posted: 12 Jul 2004, 12:08:13 UTC
Last modified: 12 Jul 2004, 12:15:48 UTC

It happend, that I've got a new fast broadband connection and also a new email
adress exactly a few days after the so called "screenshot" was taken from the SETI
classic db. Now it was impossible for me to get the email which BOINC sent to
complete the re-creation of my old account. In the meantime I've created a total
new account, because I don't want to waste time, to find at least that I have to create a new one.
If there is any other way to get the old credits back on my statistics?
Even if they are really very humble ;)
Best regards
ID: 6930 · Report as offensive
Profile mikey
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Message 7203 - Posted: 13 Jul 2004, 0:05:14 UTC - in response to Message 6930.  

> It happend, that I've got a new fast broadband connection and also a new
> email
> adress exactly a few days after the so called "screenshot" was taken from the
> classic db. Now it was impossible for me to get the email which BOINC sent to
> complete the re-creation of my old account. In the meantime I've created a
> total
> new account, because I don't want to waste time, to find at least that I have
> to create a new one.
> If there is any other way to get the old credits back on my statistics?
> Even if they are really very humble ;)
> Best regards
> Humeyer
If you still your user id then you can log on and change the email address of the Seti Classic account and then that will change the Boinc account also, but ONLY after Classic is done. I think you are just stuck but you might try and see what happens. If you do not have your user id/password then you are out of luck.

ID: 7203 · Report as offensive
Profile humeyer

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Message 7396 - Posted: 13 Jul 2004, 21:11:56 UTC - in response to Message 7203.  

> If you still your user id then you can log on and change the email address of
> the Seti Classic account and then that will change the Boinc account also, but
> ONLY after Classic is done. I think you are just stuck but you might try and
> see what happens. If you do not have your user id/password then you are out of
> luck.

Hi mikey,

that's what I've done at first, but Boinc seems to use only the email adresses which was taken with the screenshot. They don't update any data. My SETI classic account works fine at the last few weeks, but no update of my new adress was sent to or token by Boinc.
Thanks for trying.

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Message 12893 - Posted: 27 Jul 2004, 23:35:34 UTC

Most people believe that at the end of the SETI@Home Classic lifetime, they'll take another nifty snapshot and slide it on over to SETI BOINC. I would rather like to subscribe to this thought, but I don't really believe they'd do it.

But anywho, if they do that, can't hurt to wait for the end of Classic's life, right?
ID: 12893 · Report as offensive

Message boards : Cafe SETI : Sad experience with classic account

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