Please support

Winter 2019

Dear SETI@home Volunteer:

Thank you for your efforts as a member of the SETI@home team in 2019!

Our program of searching for intelligent extraterrestrial life continues to expand, but SETI@home still needs your help.

I've worked at Berkeley's SETI Research Center for 25 years and co-founded SETI@home. I am constantly amazed and gratified by the long term dedication of the SETI@home community. In the beginning we expected to have a network of 10,000 participants. Because of you, we now have ten times that number of active volunteers.

We are putting the finishing touches on our Nebula software suite which will analyze all results from both SETI@home and SERENDIP VI. This work will result in two major papers.

This year saw the further commissioning and improving of SERENDIP VI / FASTBurst, deployed on the FAST radio telescope in China - now the largest on the planet.

We continue to obtain raw data from Berkeley's Breakthrough Listen program. From Green Bank, we will be getting data from observations of galaxies and targets selected by the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) program. Parkes will soon be conducting a survey plane of our own Milky Way galaxy and we will be distributing those data as well.

For more on all of these projects, please see our previous news letter.

To accomplish our goals for next year, SETI@home needs two things. First, we need you, and your friends and family. Please spread the word about SETI@home and encourage people to participate. Second, SETI@home needs the funding to obtain the hardware and develop software required to handle new data sources.

I'm hoping that you will give generously to our efforts.

Happy holidays!

Jeff Cobb
SETI@home / SERENDIP Engineer

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