Astro 10-Lecture 6: Formation and Structure of the Solar System


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Table of Contents

Astro 10-Lecture 6: Formation and Structure of the Solar System

Scale of the Solar System A reminder of Exercise #1

Scale Model of the Solar System

Scale Model of the Solar System

Scale Model of the Solar System

Scale Model of the Solar System

Scale Model of the Solar System

Scale Model of the Solar System

Scale Model of the Solar System

Scale Model of the Solar System

Scale Model of the Solar System

Characteristics of the Solar System (formation theory must explain all)

Characteristics of the Solar System

Terrestrial Planets

Terrestrial Planets

Terrestrial Planets

Terrestrial Planets

Terrestrial Planets

Terrestrial Planet Interiors

Jovian (Gas Giant) Planets

Jovian (Gas Giant) Planets

Jovian Planets

Jovian Planets

Jovian Planets

Jovian Planets

Tiny Icy Planets

Characteristics of the Solar System

Characteristics of the Solar System

Characteristics of the Solar System

Characteristic of the Solar System

Radioactive Dating

Theory of the formation of the Solar System

The Solar Nebula Theory

The Solar Nebula Theory

The Solar Nebula Theory

The Solar Nebula Theory

The Solar Nebula Theory

The Solar Nebula Theory

Where did the nebula go?

How does this theory fit the characteristics of the Solar System?

How does this theory fit the characteristics of the Solar System?

For every exception there is a rule...

For every exception there is a rule...

Author: Eric J. Korpela

Email: korpela at

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