Posts by Keith T.

21) Message boards : Cafe SETI : Transportation Safety 3 (Message 2052626)
Posted 24 Jun 2020 by Profile Keith T.
Rolling, Rolling, Rolling !
22) Message boards : Cafe SETI : Transportation Safety 3 (Message 2052625)
Posted 24 Jun 2020 by Profile Keith T.
Interim Accident Report (PDF)

Discussions in Pakistan and UK based forums.
23) Message boards : Number crunching : The Server Issues / Outages Thread - Panic Mode On! (119) (Message 2052583)
Posted 23 Jun 2020 by Profile Keith T.
7 days since the SSP and Scheduler went offline :(

Will it be back today ?
24) Message boards : Number crunching : The last day of S@H (Message 2052508)
Posted 22 Jun 2020 by Profile Keith T.
It will be interesting to see what happens tomorrow during the maintenance outage.

Hopefully the scheduler and SSP will be back online.

I would be surprised if they were deliberately disabled for nearly a week.
25) Message boards : Politics : Don't know where it should go? Stick it here 2 (Message 2052398)
Posted 20 Jun 2020 by Profile Keith T.
The politics of SETI

NASA is expected to start funding SETI again after more than 25 years

But the phrase SETI has been replaced with "technosignatures".
26) Message boards : SETI@home Science : NASA starts funding SETI ! (Message 2052396)
Posted 20 Jun 2020 by Profile Keith T.
Some of the history of why SETI lost government funding in the 1990s
27) Message boards : SETI@home Science : NASA starts funding SETI ! (Message 2052338)
Posted 19 Jun 2020 by Profile Keith T.
28) Message boards : Number crunching : The last day of S@H (Message 2052313)
Posted 19 Jun 2020 by Profile Keith T.
I've been wondering, seeing that the need of the COLO's bandwidth isn't required now (nor the costs involved), if/when/or is the server kit being moved back up the hill into the lab.


I think that is likely. When the Replica Database went down, I think that may have been a symptom of the same process.

It would be nice to get some feedback from the project staff.

Eric has not even responded to recent questions in the SETI@home Facebook group, although he is still active on Facebook.
29) Message boards : News : Final data is in the splitter queue. (Message 2052263)
Posted 18 Jun 2020 by Profile Keith T.


The real question is: Who many WU are still needed to be crunched/ reported to close and finish the Science DB? Some time ago was in the range of less than 2% (IIRC) probabily now is a lot less. And with only 10K WU in the field that could be in the range of 100 WU or less.

I think the Red Message at the top of the home page
We are no longer distributing tasks ...
Is indicating that all the necessary work has been completed, and that anything else is just being done for Credits rather than having any effect on the Science Database.

That was my assumption when I read that message, but it could be interpreted in a different way, it's a bit ambiguous in meaning !
30) Message boards : Number crunching : The Server Issues / Outages Thread - Panic Mode On! (119) (Message 2052252)
Posted 18 Jun 2020 by Profile Keith T.
I just noticed that the SETI Beta SSP is running !

Does anyone know if the status of Bruno is significant to SETI Main ?

After a few minutes of searching, I also found a link to the old SSP
But it isn't any more helpful than the usual one
31) Message boards : News : Final data is in the splitter queue. (Message 2052132)
Posted 17 Jun 2020 by Profile Keith T.
There are 2 or 3 computers in the that are holding on to tasks until just before deadline in order to maintain their RAC.

This has been discussed elsewhere, and has caused some controversy.

Unfortunately it appears to be within the rules, even though it gives them an unfair advantage.

It also seems to be a waste of time and electricity, because the results that they are returning have already been Validated weeks or even months ago !

since the sum of WUs with those 2 or 3 computers amounts to about 5-6000 WUs, and there are ~30,000 WUs in the field, that would mean that most outstanding WUs are with other hosts, no?

why be mad at the guy returning his 5500 WUs, but not at all the hosts with 24,000+ who probably wont return them at all?

Unfortunately the maintenance outages are now lasting longer than they used to, so some of these bunkered tasks are timing out instead of receiving any credit.
32) Message boards : Number crunching : The Server Issues / Outages Thread - Panic Mode On! (119) (Message 2052129)
Posted 17 Jun 2020 by Profile Keith T.
17 Jun 2020 09:40:15|SETI@home|
Project is temporarily shut down for maintenance

Both the Scheduler and SSP appear to be Offline again.
33) Message boards : Number crunching : The last day of S@H (Message 2052031)
Posted 16 Jun 2020 by Profile Keith T.
Post: is probably the oldest WU still in the database.
It will finally time out in a few hours.
Created 23 November 2019.

And then it will be gone. The last host that has it has never returned a result and that will put the task count to 10 attempts and it will be retired.

It's already Validated.
3 Valid results in April, the _5 is Canonical.
34) Message boards : Number crunching : The last day of S@H (Message 2052015)
Posted 16 Jun 2020 by Profile Keith T.
Post: is probably the oldest WU still in the database.
It will finally time out in a few hours.
Created 23 November 2019.
35) Message boards : News : Final data is in the splitter queue. (Message 2051926)
Posted 14 Jun 2020 by Profile Keith T.
It would interesting to see how many of those are "real" results, and not timing out or already had their canonical result declared.

I think all Canonical Results were completed around the time of the Red Message at the top of the home page.

My final 2 Valid results have gone in the last hour.

Results out in the field has also dropped below 20k
Results returned and awaiting validation is now below 30k.
36) Message boards : News : Final data is in the splitter queue. (Message 2051922)
Posted 14 Jun 2020 by Profile Keith T.
Is unlikely a high performance cruncher has any WU yet to crunch.
Unless the owner force it to lately report the WU crunched.
Even my host 150K WU ultra large cache was exhausted long time ago.

Well there are still a significant number of results being returned today.
37) Message boards : News : Final data is in the splitter queue. (Message 2051890)
Posted 14 Jun 2020 by Profile Keith T.
Here are the Top 30 by RAC

01,3021, 8652081
02,1923, 4892694
05,30, 8873167
09,148, 8873154

11,15, 5944259
16,7, 8873201
18,86, 8873378
20,43, 8887061

21,2, 8835661
29,28, 2301233

Only 8 or 9 other hosts in top 30 still have Tasks In Progress
38) Message boards : Number crunching : The last day of S@H (Message 2051882)
Posted 14 Jun 2020 by Profile Keith T.
Just under 5 hours until my last 2 time out.
39) Message boards : Number crunching : The Server Issues / Outages Thread - Panic Mode On! (119) (Message 2051688)
Posted 12 Jun 2020 by Profile Keith T.
The SSP is finally back !

Looks like it returned some time in the last hour according to
40) Message boards : Number crunching : Uploads and downloads blocked for some BOINC projects using HTTPS (Message 2051668)
Posted 12 Jun 2020 by Profile Keith T.
As far as I understand it, each BOINC project is Independently Run.

So, although all projects use resources from the greater BOINC community, they are free to run their own projects in different ways, using Different revisions of BOINC server software.
They also have Different hosting providers.
I think they are expected to adhere to certain standards, but I'm not sure exactly how that is, or isn't, enforced.

This is probably why some projects, like and probably others, are dormant and apparently abandoned.

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